Radio Column for January 2, 1998
The Top-5 Stories of 1997
The passing of some legends
A major retirement
Sports on the rise
Disney on the move
The power of Spanish broadcasting
Unlike last year, 1997 was quite an eventful year for Southern
California radio. The Dodgers moved home stations for the first time
in eons, a few stations made major format changes, and unfortunately,
a few legends were lost to deaths or a health-related retirement.
Here are the top radio stories for the year:
Passings. It wasn't a good year for legends, as Bob Arthur, Bob
Hudson, Don Steele and now (just before the holidays) Roger Barkley
all passed away. Certainly these losses mean the entire radio
industry lost a lot of its personality, but we can take comfort in
the fact that these legends will all live on in recordings and in our
Retirement. In May, KRTH morning personality Robert W. Morgan
announced that he was taking time off in order to fight lung cancer
that had developed apparently due to a 35-year smoking habit that was
finally kicked a year before.
"K-EARTH has asked me to take time off to devote full time to
beating this thing and that's what I intend to do," he said in an
on-air statement adding, "One more thing -- don't smoke, OK?"
That was in May. In December, KRTH announced that Morgan would be
retiring from radio early this month, after a week of tributes that
begins Monday. This is then KRTH's second loss in the same year due
to smoking-caused lung cancer, as it was lung cancer that took the
life of afternoon personality Steele.
Sports. The complete lack of success with previous attempts at
all-sports stations in Los Angeles didn't stop Jacor from bidding the
Dodgers away from longtime home KABC and changing KIIS (AM) to
all-sports earlier this year. And if that weren't enough, One on One
Sports came in later to change KXED to a second all-sports outlet --
the first time in my memory that a Los Angeles Spanish station
switched to English programming.
Interestingly, while I still wouldn't bet the farm on their
success I would state that they have a better chance than previous
attempts at the former KMPC and the old KMAX. Why? Simple: the new
stations actually have some decent programming. It's amazing what
that can do for your chances of survival.
Mickey Mouse. First Disney hires Maureen Lesourd to do some hacking
over at KABC/KMPC/KLOS. Then they push her out after she does what
they want and, I might add, takes the heat of critics very
So what did Disney and Lesourd do along the way? They fired Roger
Barkley, demoted Michael Jackson, gave up KMPC's legendary call
letters, tried a new women-centered talk format only to have it taken
away by a corporate decision to run "Radio Disney" and have tried to
turn KABC into KMPC/KTZN with, apparently, similar success (or lack
thereof). Does it appear to you that Disney may just be a bit out of
place in the radio business?
Spanish Programming. The loss of KXED not withstanding, Spanish
broadcasters continued to flex their power in Los Angeles last year.
Low-rated KSCA became one of L.A.'s most popular stations within
months of adapting their new Spanish format, while KLVE continued to
dominate the ratings race.
Even Arbitron realizes the power that Spanish broadcasting holds,
and is in the process of designating stations by the type of
programming, bringing in new labels such as "Spanish Contemporary" to
differentiate the various formats.