Radio AM to FM: January 9, 2004
Static in the Air
If your AM radio sounds a bit strange lately, it may be due to legal interference:
in early December, KTNQ (1020 AM) started broadcasting so-called
HD Radio, or "In-band, On-Channel" digital, which places a digital
signal alongside and just under the main analog carrier.
The idea is to improve the sound of AM broadcasts though the use of digital
technology. And it sounds great ... on paper. In reality, while some like the
new digital sound, others feel that HD Radio in its current incarnation tends
to sound artificial.
But then there's "the hash."
Tune into 1020 AM with a typical AM radio, and you probably won't hear much
difference between it and other stations. It does sound a little duller on some
radios due to the fact that for IBOC to work, the audio bandwidth -- the frequency
response of the station -- must be limited to either 5 or 6 KHz, compared with
10 KHz or higher under current regulations.
Tune into 1010 or 1030 AM, however and you'll hear the digital sidebands, a
sort of hiss that sounds somewhat like tuning between FM stations. The difference
here is that if there were a far away station you liked, with FM on a clear
day you'd still hear it. With IBOC, the hiss actually covers the weaker signal
completely. As far as I know, there are no stations that can be heard on 1010
or 1030 in Los Angeles when IBOC broadcasts are authorized: the daylight hours.
Now tune into 1000 or 1040. There ARE stations there. When IBOC is running on
KTNQ, there is a ringing sound that covers the distant signals. You can still
hear them, but you wouldn't want to listen long.
It's not KTNQ's fault. From what I have learned about the situation, the antenna
system was professionally tuned for IBOC, the system was inspected by one of
the nation's best radio engineers, and the studio is state-of-the-art, sending
a fully-digital signal to the transmitters.
The fault, if you want to call it that, is the IBOC system itself, which puts
digital energy into the sidebands of the station. If many more stations adopt
it, they could theoretically cancel each other out.
Of course many AM radios are so bad, with such limited bandwidth, that many
observers think it doesn't matter. Get digital radios into the hands of consumers,
and then it will be different: then AM will be on par with FM. When enough HD
tuners are out, turn off the analog signal for good, similar to what is expected
with high-definition television in 2007.
But wait, says the other side: analog on a good radio sounds much better than
digital, and good analog AM can actually sound as good as FM, they say. One
AM engineer I spoke with says that his station won't use IBOC until people demand
stations that sound like bad internet streams.
Personally, I don't know. I know how good AM can sound, but I also know how
bad it sounds on most current radios. I know that many people think it is the
station, rather than the radio that makes AM sound so bad. Yet I don't know
if people will demand better radios if the same lame programming occupies most
of the band, I don't know if people will like the way IBOC radios switch between
analog and digital abruptly, and I don't know if people will pay big money for
new receivers when they are already leaving traditional radio completely for
other entertainment sources such as MP3 players, satellite subscription radio
and compact discs.
At least with KTNQ on the air with HD, we can finally evaluate it. Soon, anyway,
since Kenwood is beginning the rollout of HD Radio tuners (retail $500) that
can be added to a Kenwood HD-ready car stereo. They are currently available
in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and they will be coming to a Southern California sometime
in early 2004, according to the company.
KTNQ has taken a bold step, and will soon be followed by KNX
(1070 AM). Between the two, we may be hearing the future of radio. Or we may
be witnessing nothing more than an expensive experiment.
And then there's FM IBOC ... to be continued ...
Copyright © 2004 Richard Wagoner and The Copley Press.
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