Radio AM to FM: February 25, 2005
Locals Only
Years ago, Congress essentially removed what was left of local radio with the
Telecommunications Act of 1996. Now Senator John McCain wants to bring some localism
back to the airwaves by introducing the "Localism in Broadcasting Act of
The bill would lower the number of years a station license is valid before requiring
renewal from eight to three, would require stations to file detailed reports
every quarter stating their public interest efforts, and require companies owning
more than one station to prove that the entire chain is meeting its public interest
requirements, even if the other stations in the chain are not up for renewal.
Further, the bill directs the full FCC to thoroughly review five percent of license
renewals, rather than having staffers essentially rubber-stamp renewals as is
the case now.
McCain told Radio and Records that it is time "to bring local back into
local broadcasting, and I believe this legislation is a step in the right direction.
It will have a small impact on those stations that are currently meeting their
public interest obligations, but it should have a large impact on those citizens
whose local broadcaster is not meeting its obligation to serve the local community."
I guess that means approximately 99.9999999 percent of the stations in the US
would be in big trouble. Or not.
Problem is, there are no real local community interest requirements any more.
The FCC and Congress threw them long before I started writing this column in
1987. Additionally, I sincerely doubt that supporters can withstand the force
of thousands of lobbyists from Clear Channel, Infinity and Disney, all of whom
made radio what it is today, for better or for worse: an overly-researched corporate
entity that pushes people toward other entertainment sources such as satellite
radio and iPods.
In other words, it may be a good idea, but it hasn't a chance of passing.
Inside Stern
The Securities and Exchange Commission is sending out subpoenas to anyone and
everyone involved with Howard Stern's decision to move his program to Sirius
Satellite Radio beginning next January.
The SEC is concerned that some insider trading went on among those who knew Stern
was thinking about it, before he made his decision public. As of now it appears
that employees and management of Sirius are not part of the investigation.
LA Radio Gone
Eight years of were on a hard drive that crashed, according to Don
Barrett, master of the site that chronicles the past and present of personalities
and stations in or connected with Los Angeles.
There were some backups, so hopefully not all is lost. Subscribers to his site
were informed that new postings may be stopped for a few days while repairs and
data retrieval are completed.
Copyright © 2005 Richard Wagoner and The Copley Press.
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