Airwaves: September 21, 2007
Same As The Old Boss
The story of KBIG (104.3 FM) is a sad tale: The Big Station That Couldn't.
Ever since it dropped Beautiful Music to join the ranks of soft rock in 1987,
the station has been an also-ran. Late to the soft rock party, it could never
quite catch competitor KOST (103.5 FM) in the local ratings in spite of
having one of the strongest FM signals in the Western United States.
Various formattic adjustments tried over the past few years, from adding more
top-40 sounding songs to playing more disco, have fallen on deaf ears, so to
speak. Essentially, KBIG wasn't anyone's favorite radio station ... or their
second or third favorite. Most recently, it got to the point where any song played
on KBIG became what the station was: burnt.
So you'd think management of owner Clear Channel would make a clean break, and
move KBIG in an entirely new direction. No such luck. The station is doing little
more than adjusting its music again, and bringing in a new name: My FM.
Said programmer Dave Denes to industry newspaper Radio and Records,
"104.3 My FM will be adult hits like Kelly Clarkson, Beyonce, Christina
Aguilera, Fergie, Justin Timberlake, Shakira, Madonna, Santana, and much more.
Every song we play is or was at the top of the charts."
Just like the old KBIG.
Oh, sure, it is a little bit different from its most recent incarnation,
when overplayed disco records were intermixed with overplayed songs from Kelly
Clarkson, Beyonce, Christina Aguilera, et. al. But it's really not much different
than it was before, other than the name. And the name is, let's face it, stupid.
Makes you wonder if Clear Channel has any programmers left in the company.
To make things even weirder, it has the potential to split an already split audience
from Star 98.7 and KOST ... which are sister stations to My FM and play
much of the same music. In other words, if My FM succeeds, it will do so at the
expense of co-owned stations, and no others. In the meantime, the few listeners
who actually liked burnt hits and stale disco will likely move down the dial
and give a boost to competitor KMVN (Movin' 93.9 FM).
It's not that it's bad, it just isn't something really different than what's
already on the air. KBIG already suffered from an identity crisis; copying Star,
KOST, and even the old KBIG probably won't help. Unless Clear Channel has plans
for the others as well.
Legendary morning man Charlie Tuna was canned (though he says he may do
something else within the company and is apparently still a Clear Channel employee),
as was the rest of the airstaff. The station will be running jockless for the
immediate future.
Royce Hall Treats
KUSC (91.5 FM) has begun broadcasting a special series of concerts performed
by the Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra and recorded live from UCLA's Royce
Hall from 2005 through 2007.
Hosted by Alan Chapman, the series airs Sundays at 4 PM.
Speaking of KUSC
Did you know you can still hear opera on the local airwaves? KUSC has two special
shows featuring opera music: Sunday Night Opera which features recordings
from the San Francisco Opera Sunday evenings from 9:00 to Midnight, and The
Opera Show hosted by Duff Murphy airing Saturdays from 9 AM to 12
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