Airwaves: April 4, 2008
Merger Not Opposed ...
The Department of Justice has decided not to oppose the merger of
satellite subscription radio services XM and Sirius, issuing an
opinion that the merger would not be anticompetitive.
Ironically, it may be the broadcast radio industry itself that helped seal the
deal. For while the National Association of Broadcasters opposed the merger on
the grounds that it would create an unfair monopoly, that same NAB has lobbying
the FCC to allow more consolidation due to increased competition from not only
satellite radio but iPods, the internet, and of course CDs. XM and Sirius used
the alternative competition argument to help their case in the merger.
Regardless, while the FCC still has to sign off on the deal, no once expects
any opposition from that group. The deal appears to be done.
What does this mean for subscribers? Once the dust settles, probably more choice
and possibly more cost. Expect to be able to select from both current XM and
Sirius offerings for a package price similar to how cable and satellite television
works: the more you get the more you pay. To get every channel, you'll most likely
be paying more than the current $9.99 to $12.99 per month. You can also expect
to see some channels go away, as the need for almost identical channels from
the formerly competing services declines.
And if things go well, Barry "Greg Brady" Williams will be forever
banished from Sirius' Totally Seventies channel.
Hating Subscribers
While the news is good on the merger front, Sirius subscribers, including myself,
are getting more and more annoyed -- make that angry -- about the decision by
Sirius executives and programmers to force unpopular single-artist channels on
Included in the roster are E-Street Radio (All Bruce Springsteen), all Rolling
Stones, all Elvis, all Grateful Dead, and coming soon, all R.E.M. The
single artist channels replace popular channels that formerly played a variety
of music including KNX-FM style mellow rock (The Bridge) and a no-holds-barred
Super Shuffle.
Reaction on Sirius fan site SiriusBackstage.Com has been 100 percent negative,
with comments ranging from "I think I am done with Sirius" to "Ugh!" One
poster mentioned that if it weren't for Cousin Brucie and TJ Lubinsky on the
'60s and '50s channels, respectively, they'd drop their subscription.
Why does Sirius do this? Certainly it can't be subscriber demand. Rumor is that
the artists themselves pay to have the channels; unfortunately we may never know,
since the press contacts at Sirius never return messages. I mean never: I've
written to them for years and have never once received a reply.
With Bonneville Broadcasting reentering the Los Angeles radio market by the purchase
of KRBV (V-100, 100.3 FM), what format will they feature?
My vote would be for one of two formats long gone from the local airwaves. Either
a non-rap top-40 (currently known in the industry as adult contemporary hit radio)
such as what was once heard on KHJ, KIIS-FM or even Anaheim's KEZY/KXMX back
in the day, or a current-leaning album-rock station similar to the Mellow Sound
once heard on KNX-FM. Both would be far more intelligent-sounding than
much of what is currently offered. I'd be a happy camper.
What would you like to hear? Write in and let me know!
Copyright © 2008 Richard Wagoner and Los Angeles Newspaper Group.
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