Airwaves: 2009

December 25 — Citadel hits skids; more bad ads …

December 18 — Bad ads; gift guide

December 11 — Digital Dees; Amp news

December 4 — Southcott returns to 1260; OTR fun; Letterbag

November 27 — Holiday excess; Seymour retiring; underground radio; Mouse winners

November 20 — remembering AM Stereo

November 13 — Devine intervention from my car stereo; troubles at Citadel; KABC hits bottom; Van Hook passes

November 6 — KABC to air afternoon informercial?; Town Hall; Wave format change rumors

October 30 — HD Radio to increase power?

October 23 — Jeffries’ Jeff-Casts; KABC fallout

October 16 — Strong listener oponions on KABC, September ratings

October 9 — Heidi Frosty and Frank take their act to AM; Elmer’s ride

October 2 — McIntyre leaves KABC while Tilden comes home

September 25 — FM to iPods; KFI responds

September 18 — Will KFI lose its dominant position?

September 11 — Why would anyone want music on AM?; Hedgecock to KFWB

September 4 — KGIL goes Retro; getting your Dr. Laura fix

August 28 — Mail Bag; chilling documentary on KCRW

August 21 — K-DAY Beats; KGIL changes;Sound ratings

August 14 — Off the Radio; another record for KLOS

August 7 — NPR on your iPhone; WaveFest in September

July 31 — Harvey to KJLH; you want your KMET

July 24 — June Arbitrons (Los Angeles)

July 24b — June Arbitrons (Inland Empire)

July 17 — KMET wrap-up

July 10 — Finally … KMET; Michael Jackson the talker

July 3 — Rantel’s replacement; trouble at Clear Channel

June 26 — Good-Bye Al; Higgins passes

June 19 — KMET to return for a day

June 12 — What happened to variety; Mail Bag

June 5 — Ziegler to KGIL; Classical HD; Harvey loses his Beat

May 29 — What to do with HD …

May 22 — Amping up; investigating Arbitron; thoughts

May 15 — Kevin and Bean Fly; KFI HD; Ziegenbusch gone

May 8 — Fun and memories with Emmis

May 1 — Ratings report

April 24 — The Mailbag

April 17 — Call letters; presets; The Sound’s sound

April 10 — Movin’ to Spanish

April 3 — Allen country; presets

March 27 — Amped jocks; Larson; Seacrest

March 20 — Calls, Williams, Imus and presets

March 13 — The Dynamic Duo

March 6 — Paul Harvey passes

February 27 — KLSX gets back to the music

February 20 — Valentine’s Day; Reel streaming

February 13 — Classical KGIL; Changes at KABC and KLOS

February 6 — Great news! Finally.

January 30 — Laughlin leaves CBS; Wilde leaves KLOS

January 23 — Goodbye Indie; HD to the rescue

January 16 — Dennis Miller to KTIE; KPSS Washington Bureau

January 9 — KGIL changes … again

January 2 — Martin leaves Los Angeles; predictions