December 27 — Then quick story of legendary DJ Alan Freed
December 20 — KFI Pasta Thon helps raise money and food for needy children; Sounds of the Season returns; mellow holiday music
December 13 — Stick a fork in KABC, they’re more than done; now you can choose from three stations playing holiday tunes
December 6 — Lisa May’s last day; cuts at KLOS; Rita Wilde’s Confessional
November 29 — Terry Greiger and Art Gould pass; Lisa May retiring
November 22 — KRTH dominates Los Angeles; where’s Aron Bender?
November 15 — Remembering the Mystery Theater; 2019 Hall of Famers; 88-5 toy drive
November 8 — Kevin and Bean split ways; KOST moves to holiday music; AM radio’s all digital future possibility; good reception; KRTH is the new KIIS
November 1 — Changes at Amp; SiriusXM already in the holiday mood; too many “freaks” on the Woody Show; tribute to my Mom
October 25 — Could AM just go online? New app makes it as easy as using a regular radio to tune to your favorite. AKA: how to make your $1000 smart phone into a $5 transistor radio …
October 18 — Remembering Dwight Case, instrumental in bringing KHJ back to (temporary) glory
October 11 — Sebastian’s Phoenix Wow!; my Cousin on SiriusXM
October 4 — K-Earth is now officially legendary; “killing” Hope; the new KTNQ
September 27 — Readers respond to KNX … and more
September 20 — KNX celebrates 99 years of service
September 13 — The FCC wants the 1950s back; Bill Diehl’s fun read
September 6 — Changes at KLOS; Trojans to KABC; PPB to honor Humperdinck
August 30 — Stryker and Klein best afternoon show; Charlie Fox represents KHJ’s rhythm; buying a radio
August 23 — John Sebastian’s “Wow Factor” aims to win
August 16 — Can teens help save radio?
August 9 — Local Drive in Tucson; Roger Carroll passes
August 2 — Radio’s community; can you help?
July 26 — Why don’t stations promote themselves?; more music on AM; email address change
July 19 — June ratings
July 12 — New restoration projects for the Summer (and beyond); is KABC next in line to go?
July 5 — All digital Am on the air; feeling blue in 1980; more short takes
June 28 — There’s more than one way to Mellow a Rock; short takes and reader’s respond
June 21 — Cannon to Power mornings; competitor Big Boy welcomes Cannon; KCRW’s Bentley stepping down; Newman passes; can the alternative format survive in Los Angeles?
June 14 — Remembering Harve Miller
June 7 — “Siri Radio” (for lack of a better name) might help unite the apps; is AM’s future on line?; Humble Harve passes; anyone have recordings of Bob Collins?
May 31 — KPRI “hippie bus” ready to roll; Peter Dills BBQ knowledge; Meruelo growing again
May 24 — An example of how stations used to compete; classic country Sunday nights; “Beatles” concert
May 17 — Why were stations in the past so memorable?
May 10 — The evolving Mellow Sound; loving Love; Cecil passes; revenue leaders
May 3 — Mike Love to be honored by PPB; Dave Hull returns; all-digital AM the future?
April 26 — March Nielsen ratings
April 19 — KLOS turns 50 … sort of, then gets sold; problems at 1090 XEPRS
April 12 — Ask the Professor and Powerline … FOUND!
April 5 — What I would do with KABC and KLOS; more super sounds of the ’70s on K-Surf; birthday wishes
March 29 — What you would do with KABC and KLOS
March 22 — Sky Daniels steps down from 88-5 FM
March 15 — Gene (Bean) Baxter leaving KROQ; AM is dead … or not
March 8 — Responses to KHJ’s History and Waterloo’s Rock; Ken Levine ranks the Oscars
March 1 — Is Waterloo, Iowa’s Rock 108 really the best station in the U.S.?; amazing reception in the Chevy Cruze
February 22 — Celebrating the 50th birthday of KHJ’s History of Rock and Roll
February 15 — Roq off the ’80s reboot; Diane Thompson retires; Bruce Williams passes; Sirius on all Toyotas
February 8 — Huge crowd celebrates Art Laboe’s achievements; Smooth Jazz on HD2; we get letters
February 1 — Holiday ratings; how many years can a station be “new,” what’s up with KFI?
January 25 — Golden Mikes awarded; you really do love KNX-FM
January 18 — Mellow KNX-FM returns; Van Nuys sounds great on K-SURF; can apps replace broadcasts?
January 11 — Van Nuys to mornings on K-SURF; Levine a true pioneer; changes at KABC
January 4 — Art Laboe to be honored by the Pacific Pioneer Broadcasters; Scott St. James passes